Sunday, October 23, 2011

watch Sleeping Beauty movie Trailer review

IFC Shows has revealed the home truck for the approaching "Sleeping Beauty" film, which superstars Jane Browning (Sucker Punch) and has little to do with the mythic. Examine it out below.

Plot: A haunting sexual story about Hannah (Browning), a School student utilized into a strange concealed community of attractiveness and wish with prostitution, where her specialized is the "Sleeping Beauty step," in which old men get an sexual expertise that needs Lucy's complete distribution by being sedated. This unsettling process begins to hemorrhage into Lucy's lifestyle and she grows an growing need to know what happens to her when she is sleeping.

The new film is published and instructed by Julia Leigh, and has already was released at the Cannes Movie Celebration, where experts offered it a 48% contemporary status on RottenTomatoes. It is now set to get a restricted theatrical generate on November 2nd.

Julia Leigh’s Sleep Beauty was released at Cannes previously in the season to generally a great party, and the assessments that came out of the festival were certainly stimulating.

The first truck first confirmed again in May before its Cannes first appearance, and offered us an plan of how black this black sexual excitement would be. And it confirmed what should be a highly effective operation from major celebrity Jane Browning and writer-director Leigh, who can create her first appearance with this film.

We were very successful enough to be able to meeting both Leigh and Browning (the former research here, and the latter will be going up the next day, so be sure to examine back), and the meeting certainly create for very useful flows.

watch Sleeping Beauty movie Trailer review

Yahoo Shows have just put out a new truck for the film, which is very much like the first truck we got a few several weeks again, but with a few included video and some of the free phrases from writers following its party at Cannes. The film comes out here in the UK this Exclusive, 14 July, but however from what I can see on the internet, it only seems to be enjoying in a few pick movies around the place. It’s a actual waste, since it does look like an extremely useful job, and one that I’ll be trying to see for myself in the several weeks to come. If it’s enjoying near a movies near you, and maybe you are as interested by the truck as me, then I’d definitely advocate you do the same. It should be a very highly effective film. Without further ado, this is the black new truck.

Sleeping Beauty movie Trailer review

Sleep Attractiveness is an amazingly genuine subject for home Julia Leigh’s first appearance. On the one side, its colour scheme and sophisticated design create it one of the more aesthetically beautiful items at the Chi town Foreign Movie Celebration this season. However, for those that are not as considering the graphic art of the film, they are more than likely to find themselves sleeping through most of the film.

Leigh does her best to supply an psychologically getting account about a fresh females erectile awareness, but there is something in the film’s distribution that inhibits from attaining success. Sleep Attractiveness is one of those unhappy shows where stop and/or insufficient debate is erroneous for profundity. While it seems a little outrageous to over-explain the behavior of your people, Leigh never really describes them at all. Instead, she positions in any times of exposition for long requires of a dazed Jane Browning looking off in the selection. Leigh will not do herself any prefers by beginning her film in the center of a critical piece of Lucy’s living. As we view her flow from job to job, to a discontented property living, and eventually a living of exploitation, we’re never advised how she got to this place in her living. Nevertheless, what Leigh neglects to supply in debate, she more than can create up for in graphic art, including the Australia area in the evening to the Baroque furnishings of Clara’s property. This can create Sleep Attractiveness somewhat wonderful in its beauty, but all together forgettable.

Although Sleep Attractiveness problems with its story and with its pacing at times, it does triumph on one basic place. Sleep Attractiveness can cause you to experience. Jane Browning is unfortunately haunting in the position of Hannah. While the individuality and her beginning are strange, for the most piece, her feelings are raw. Browning warrants most of the credit for the peaceful concentration of the film. As she problems to add up of herself as a person, the visitors encounters the doubt, frustration, and feeling of decline clearly on her experience. If the account had done more to focus on Browning’s emotionally charged selection as an celebrity, Sleep Attractiveness might have been a truly great film. Instead, it works as a aesthetically beautiful note of Jane Browning’s capability as an celebrity.

Sleeping Beauty movie Trailer review

Where Sleep Attractiveness works is its comprehension of the camera. It records an unmatched beauty and a truly amazing operation. However, this is never enough to conquer its story foibles. The account is existing and not developed in its lowest times. Even at its best, it benefits the feelings rather than why the feelings is being thought.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

watch Sleeping Beauty movie Trailer

The starting point for Julia Leigh, Sleeping Beauty suggests corruption: a beautiful young woman is drugged and "of" the man for the night. He paid a high price, and do not remember, or evidence of what is happening not just groggy hangover caused by the drug, to ensure its slumber. The film skirts, maybe a little 'too easy, some difficult questions about the agreement, but in the end undermine the expectations of this concept of exploitation.

Sleeping Beauty is properly described as "clinical". And 'emotionally free from the very special brand of sex for money. Emily Browning stars in a university student of exceptional beauty that works three jobs and can not make ends meet. Find an ad in the student newspaper, has asked to work as sexy old rich men server. When he goes for an interview, explaining their settings (especially, it is certain that he never had) and asked to strip. Boss, an elegant woman named Clara, and his dependence on Thomas, exploring every inch of her body porcelain. Since it reflects a general distrust of beauty (if we admit it or not, we have an unconscious understanding the ideal of beauty that you can not measure up) by Thomas stops and asks an invisible thigh Browning: he had a mole removed.

Part of the audience will have problems with the hardware is the lack of excitement associated with the image we consider implicitly erotic. Browning's first job as a sommelier at a private event. Dressed in white lingerie reveals that scores a line-up of women with bare breasts, and short black hair combed back and dramatic makeup. His work is impassible and their presence is hardly noticed by men (and women) who have used them for the night. The youth of beauty in contrast with the gray suit older customers, often elderly. Even in the moments before the Browning leaves, like the half-naked woman sitting with their customers, their bodies fondled and played with emotion or even lack a true act of lust.

watch Sleeping Beauty movie Trailer
The implementation erotic Browning finally found it very tasty. She was invited to the house of their leaders, where she was invited to a party. They serve tea with a sleeper agent for food and wakes up the next morning with no memory or a sign that there was only one night of sleep ordinary. The public is allowed in the room that Browning is unconscious. In the film, Clara and several older men enter the room and sits on the bed. Establishing clear rules and naked men, even indirectly, their souls. The film marks the public that men are evil and sinister intentions, but perhaps the desire to spend a night sleeping with a stranger is implicitly evil, but Sleeping Beauty does not allow easy judgments. Contrary to the expectations of these men are the ones who benefit most from the vulnerability and humanity. Their bodies, imperfect and decaying, they feel much more human than the frigidity of the ideal beauty of Browning.

Although outbreaks of violence and cruelty of these higher order of importance and integrity of any other part of the film.

The aesthetics and the sound of release of this film has moments of emotion outward in a strange light. The public will be able to look beyond the vision of the passive film of sexuality may have difficulty with emotional climax. All the actors give good results, the device appears to be from feelings of aesthetics rather than actors. There is variety of emotions: a passive or histrionic. The difference is remarkable and at worst a distraction. He scored two scenes in particular, and the distance mode finally catch any traditional melodrama. However, the reason behind this tone of the game remains elusive.

Sleeping Beauty is a film cold, and many on foot from the cold. As soon as the movie, I felt empty. Absurdity of the situation and the vagueness of the catalog was enough to string my attention to the scene of the attack, but he was not emotionally or intellectually inspired by the movie. An hour later I was still thinking, at the home of disposable moments, and ends of particular concern. Has the Sleeping Beauty is a film that only dodge its importance as there is enough strength to the fact that our relationship with our bodies and sex is more complex than the melodramas of Hollywood leads us to believe. The body to throw into question the convenience solipsistic existence, we both fear and the need to strengthen mutual subjective experience. Our physical imperfections in the cast of light, many of us tremble, overcome pain and mortality.

Sleeping Beauty movie Trailer

Sleeping Beauty is properly described as "clinical". And 'emotionally free from the very special brand of sex for money. Emily Browning stars in a university student of exceptional beauty that works three jobs and can not make ends meet. Find an ad in the student newspaper, has asked to work as sexy old rich men server. When he goes for an interview, explaining their settings (especially, it is certain that he never had) and asked to strip. Boss, an elegant woman named Clara, and his dependence on Thomas, exploring every inch of her body porcelain. Since it reflects a general distrust of beauty (if we admit it or not, we have an unconscious understanding the ideal of beauty that you can not measure up) by Thomas stops and asks an invisible thigh Browning: he had a mole removed.

Part of the audience will have problems with the hardware is the lack of excitement associated with the image we consider implicitly erotic. Browning's first job as a sommelier at a private event. Dressed in white lingerie reveals that scores a line-up of women with bare breasts, and short black hair combed back and dramatic makeup. His work is impassible and their presence is hardly noticed by men (and women) who have used them for the night. The youth of beauty in contrast with the gray suit older customers, often elderly. Even in the moments before the Browning leaves, like the half-naked woman sitting with their customers, their bodies fondled and played with emotion or even lack a true act of lust.

The implementation erotic Browning finally found it very tasty. She was invited to the house of their leaders, where she was invited to a party. They serve tea with a sleeper agent for food and wakes up the next morning with no memory or a sign that there was only one night of sleep ordinary. The public is allowed in the room that Browning is unconscious. In the film, Clara and several older men enter the room and sits on the bed. Establishing clear rules and naked men, even indirectly, their souls. The film marks the public that men are evil and sinister intentions, but perhaps the desire to spend a night sleeping with a stranger is implicitly evil, but Sleeping Beauty does not allow easy judgments. Contrary to the expectations of these men are the ones who benefit most from the vulnerability and humanity. Their bodies, imperfect and decaying, they feel much more human than the frigidity of the ideal beauty of Browning.

Although outbreaks of violence and cruelty of these higher order of importance and integrity of any other part of the film.
Sleeping Beauty movie Trailer
The aesthetics and the sound of release of this film has moments of emotion outward in a strange light. The public will be able to look beyond the vision of the passive film of sexuality may have difficulty with emotional climax. All the actors give good results, the device appears to be from feelings of aesthetics rather than actors. There is variety of emotions: a passive or histrionic. The difference is remarkable and at worst a distraction. He scored two scenes in particular, and the distance mode finally catch any traditional melodrama. However, the reason behind this tone of the game remains elusive.

Sleeping Beauty is a film cold, and many on foot from the cold. As soon as the movie, I felt empty. Absurdity of the situation and the vagueness of the catalog was enough to string my attention to the scene of the attack, but he was not emotionally or intellectually inspired by the movie. An hour later I was still thinking, at the home of disposable moments, and ends of particular concern. Has the Sleeping Beauty is a film that only dodge its importance as there is enough strength to the fact that our relationship with our bodies and sex is more complex than the melodramas of Hollywood leads us to believe. The body to throw into question the convenience solipsistic existence, we both fear and the need to strengthen mutual subjective experience. Our physical imperfections in the cast of light, many of us tremble, overcome pain and mortality.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

watch Sleeping Beauty

The scent of perfume creepiness every scene in this film, a clear water Perv. It's a very strange ritual drama and erotic obsession masculine ridicule in some ways naive about sex and purchased, but very watchable and frightening. This is an image of Australia, written and directed by first time writer and filmmaker Julia Leigh (instructed by Jane Campion), but has a distinctly European glow, a feeling of compositions rectilinear, the depth of field and perspective lines receding in the interior very bright - all with a sense of impending horror or disgust. Leigh is distantly influenced by Luis Buñuel, but by contemporaries such as Michael Haneke and Ulrich Seidl. When characters speak, it's a surprise to hear Australian accented English, not German and Austrian-accented.

The plot - as absurd and deadly serious like a dream tell - concerns Lucy, played by Emily Browning, a young and beautiful student. To make money, she holds down various part-time job in a bar, an office and a medical laboratory, where it is voluntary, and has a thin plastic tube placed in his throat. This opening scene is the most disturbing sequence of the film, a shocking exhibition of penetration, which will test all the gagging of the audience, and providing the rest of his freelance portfolio well. Lucy has been the scene of high-end escort, located in upscale bars, do some coke with the people she meets who have sex for money with scary guys before returning to his scuzzy student house.

Great time while Lucy: to make real money from a quasi-necrophiliac cult for the rich, led by Clara (Rachael Blake), an elegant madame. All she has to do is to be drugged and naked on a bed in a mansion, while a former client with rich romps her beautiful body, but he wants - but it is forbidden to enter. In the morning, she will remember something. Finally, Lucy becomes obsessed with finding what is being done for her, and more in the grip of uncertainty in a tender, private friendship, which in its winding road is the closest she comes to life normal. All this is sex in a way that fear and guilt cauterizing secret?

In a way, Sleeping Beauty is a film very unmodern, a return to the castle and artporn eroticism of 1970's, played by delirium, and once it forbidden fantasies Walerian Borowczyk: Immoral Tales and The Beast. The idea of ​​rich gentlemen tuxedo pay a high price for sexy gown, sex, or situations with young women with style and good taste may seem rather strange, and Stanley Kubrick made fun of him for these ideas in his eyes the last film Wide Shut. The idea of ​​rich men thought to submit to the rule of non-penetrating, often after a complex dialogue and cultivated, is also a bit tense. In the real world, big spending clients in the sex industry hope to exercise all the powers of the rapist of women victims of trafficking or exploitation. However, Leigh takes his half surreal fantasy, most of the time, simply by keeping totally indifferent.

It tests the patience with daring his audience, rather, before a sex scene with a long dialogue on the Austrian writer Ingeborg Bachmann. This scene has caused a lot of moaning, and yet is part of the elegant, asymmetrical Leigh.

The lack of penetration, a kind of rhyme horrible idea with the plastic tube stage, the focus of almost paternal interest in Clara, "The vagina is a temple," she says, to the amazement of Lucy. (The two times I watched this movie, I could not suppress a smile very badly to the memory of a routine of Kenneth Williams: "My body is a temple," "Honey, more like a meeting at the house of friends ! ")

But the fact is that nobody need to ban the distribution, not with a penis anyway. These old guys do not have a hope to get up. Some very explicit moments comes when former clients take off their clothes and going to bed with sleep Lucy. Contrary to perfection, their bodies shrunken and wrinkled, and in one case, the penis is almost nonexistent, disappearing into a gray pubic fuzz. Leigh film makes a clumsy and hard power in just show the body in a context that strips naked dignity. But if there is a feminist ... Well, it's here.

Sleeping Beauty is more than the sum of its parts, and the last part of the ends is not entirely satisfactory. But it is well acted and well made, and Rachael Blake and Emily Browning, their different ways, to carry out their parody of the mother-daughter relationship safely. It's not really erotic, perhaps the most thanatotic black comedy about men transformed the idea of ​​immediate death, or would like to behave how they behave when they have money and status, but not for young people.

Sleeping Beauty

There once was a woman who could not conceive of all the beatings of her husband. So one day I would pray to Allah and said: "Give me your daughter, even if it is not evidence against the smell of linseed"

Speaking with the smell of linseed meant that he had a daughter, even though it was so sensitive that the anodyne smell of flax sticks in my throat and kill him.

Shortly after she became pregnant and gave birth to a child easily, as beautiful as the crescent moon, pale and delicate as moonlight.

When the Sittukhan little, so that they called him, grew up in a decade old, the son of the Sultan passed under her window, saw him and loved him, and returned to the palace of trouble.

Doctor doctor succeeded by his bed empty, but finally visited an old woman who had been sent by the caretaker's wife, and said, after careful consideration, "You are in love, or you have a friend who love you. "

"I'm in love," he replied.

"Tell me his name," he prayed, "why can not I connect to you."

"Is the show Sittukhan" he replied, and she consoled him saying. "Refresh eyes and calm your heart, for I will put you in his presence"

Then he went and looked for the girl, who was taking the air in front of his mother. After congratulating and greeting, he said, "Allah protect such beauty girl girls like you, and with these beautiful toes, learn how to spin flax;! Because it is a sight more enjoyable than a pin on the fingers of the spike. "Then he left.

Immediately, the girl went to her mother and said, "Mom, take me to the mistress."

"What lady?" asked his mother.

"Mrs. Flax," she replied.

"Do not say anything!" cried the woman. "Flax is a danger to you. Smell is fatal to the breast, a little to kill you."

But her daughter reassured her, saying, "I will not die", and both cried and insisted that his mother sent him to hear mistress.

The white girl stood there for a day, learning to do, and his friends marveled at its beauty and the beauty of your fingers. But when a piece of flax entered behind one of his nails, he fell unconscious on the floor.

They believed his death and sent to his father and mother and said, "Allah prolong your days! Enjoy your daughter because she died. "

The man and his wife tore their clothes, their only loss of pleasure, and went on to win the accident the wind, to bury him. But the old meet them and said. "You are rich in folk music, and it would be a shame to give both a fair girl in the dust"

"What shall we do?" They asked, and answered: ". Build him a house in the midst of the waters of the river and on the sofa bed that you can visit him"

So they built a pavilion of marble in the bands of the river, and planted a garden in the green areas, and put the child on a bed of ivory, and often came to mourn.

What happened next?

The old man went to the king's son, who still lay sick of love, and said, ".. Come with me to see the girl, she is waiting for you, lying in a pavilion on the waves of the river "

The Prince got up and said the vizier his father came to walk with him. The two went together, and then the old pavilion. Then the prince said: "Wait for me outside the door, because not long."

He entered the hall and began to cry ivory bed recalled the verses praising her beauty. He took her hand and kissed it, as he stretched his thin white fingers in his own, he noticed a piece of linen left behind one of his nails. He pondered this, and gently pulled it out.

As soon as she released her weak, and sat down, when the bed of ivory. He smiled at the prince, and whispered: "Where am I"

"You are with me," he replied, as he pressed the all against him. He kissed her and lay with him, and stayed together for forty days and forty nights. Then the prince took leave of his love, saying: ". Vizier waiting outside my door, I take him back to the palace, and then return."

He found the Wazir and walked with him through the garden toward the door, until he was greeted by the white roses grow jasmine. The sight of these moved and he said to his companion: ". The roses and jasmine are white with pale cheeks Sittukhan Wait here for three more days, while I watch the cheeks Sittukhan "

He came to the pavilion again and stayed three days Sittukhan, admiring the white roses and jasmine in her cheeks.

Then he joined the Wazir and walked with him through the garden toward the door until the carob tree, with her long black fruit, rose to meet him. It was moved by the sight, and said, ". Carob is long and black like Bryn Sittukhan O Wazir, wait here for three days so I'll see Sittukhan eyebrows. "

He entered the pavilion again and stayed three days with the girl, admiring her perfect brows, long and black beans as pairs of suspension.

Then the Wazir returned and walked with him toward the gate, until you are born jet fountains lone rose against him. It was moved by this vision, and said the vizier, "that breathes life Sittukhan Fountain. Wait here for you in several days, when I go to watch it again when the Sittukhan life."

He went into the house and stayed three days with the girl, admiring its size, as was also the thin stream of the source.

He then joined the Vizier, and walked with him through the garden toward the door. Sittukhan But when she saw her lover to return a third time, he said, "What brings him back?" So now, she followed him down the stairs of the pavilion, and hid behind the door to the garden to see what she could see.

The prince arrived on the turn and see his face. She returned to her, pale and distracted, and said sadly: "Sittukhan, Sittukhan never see you again, never, never." Then he went with the vizier, and his mind was made to not return.

Sittukhan wandered into the garden, weeping, lonely, and regrets that he was not dead, just the truth. When he walked to the water's edge, he saw something shining in the grass outside, and instead, found the talismanic ring. He ran the cornelian engraved, and the ring spoke, saying: "Behold, here I am! What do you want?"

"O-ring, Sulaiman," Sittukhan replied: "I command the palace next to the palace of the prince who loved me, and one of my greatest beauty."

"Close your eyes and open it!" said the ring, and when the girl had done, she is in a magnificent palace, beside the palace of the prince. He looked in a mirror that was there and marveled at its beauty.

She leaned against the window until her false love to find his horse. When the prince saw her, he did not know her, but he loved her and rushed to his mother and said, "Are not you beautiful things that you can take as a gift for the lady who lives in the new palace? you can not beg at the same time, to marry me? "

"I have two pieces of royal brocade," said his mother, "I'll take it and ask your costume with them." Without an hour, visited the Queen Sittukhan, and said, ". My daughter, I beg you to accept this, and marry my son '

The girl called her black and gave the pieces of brocade, bidding his mop cut, so that the queen was angry and went home.

When the son learned that the woman was his love of cloth of gold for domestic service, he begged his mother to take some rich present, and the queen made a second visit, with a flawless emerald necklace.

"Accept this gift, my daughter, and marry my son," he said, Sittukhan replied, "O woman, your gift is accepted." And she called his slave, saying: "Have you eaten the pigeons?"

"No, ma'am," replied the slave.

"Take them these green trifles!" Sittukhan said.

When he heard this outrageous, the queen said, "You have humiliated my daughter. Now, at least, tell me if you want to marry my son or not."

"If you want to marry him," said Sittukhan, "tell him to feign death, wrap it in seven shrouds, carried in procession through the town sad, and let his people be buried in the garden of my mouth."

"I will tell him of your situation," said the Queen.

"What do you think?" Cried the mother to her son when she was returned. "If you want to marry the girl, you pretend to be dead, you will be wrapped in leaves bankruptcy in September, led the sad procession through the city, and thou shalt be buried in his garden! "

"Is that all mothers, dear?" Asked the prince with great joy. "Then you tear your clothes and mourn and mourn," My son is dead! "

The queen tore his clothes and shouted in a shrill voice to the pain, "Calamity and woe! My son is dead! "

Everyone ran to the castle and the place to see the Prince lying on the floor with the queen wept upon him, washed the body and wrapped it in leaves bankruptcy in September. While the elderly and the readers of the Koran came together and formed a procession that went throughout the city, bringing the young covered with precious shawls. Finally, they gave their burden in the garden of Sittukhan and left.

As soon as he had left, the girl who died after a piece of flax, whose cheeks were jasmine and white roses, whose eyebrows were carob two and two, whose size was thin jet of the fountain , went to the prince and unwrapped the seven winding-sheets from around him, one by one.

Thus, "Is that you?" she said. "You're ready to go very far for women, and you should be happy for them!" The prince bit his fingers in the confusion, but Sittukhan reassured and said, "It does not matter this time"

They lived together in the joy of love.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sleeping Beauty online free

"Rest assured, King, Queen and be sure your daughter is not dead. Will the princess falls into a deep sleep. His sleep last hundred years in the late son of a king will discuss it. "

The king, in an attempt to avoid the curse of his daughter in the eighth Angel, made us both an edict declaring that all the spinning wheels of time, whether at work or at home, should be destroyed, otherwise the death.

Over the years, the kingdom gradually forgotten the curse of the eighth angel. After fifteen or sixteen, the king and queen left the palace and went to one of their houses, to be alone with them for several days. Now that happened that day, the young princess ran for a room in the castle to another, until he is forgotten in a small room with a good old woman was alone, spinning with a spindle.

Now it happened that this old woman was not the king's decree never to use the pin on the spinning wheels, and if it did, the old spirit completely forgotten years ago.

"What are you doing, my good woman?" Asked the princess.

"I turn, my beautiful child," said the old woman.

"Oh, is quite what it seems!" Said the princess. "What are you doing this work? Give me a chance, that I can see if I could do so well."

As the spindle was extremely sharp, his hands were soon afloat, and the princess to prostrate on the floor. The good old woman cried out for help, and the servants ran in every direction. One threw a bucket of water to the princess, trying to wake him, the second shot in his hand palm face, the other rubbed his temples, but in vain.

Then the king, who was once called, is remembered as a good gift for an angel, and, judging very well that it was necessary that what was said to have happened would have happened, because he was an angel from heaven, that it was said , made the daughter of one hundred years of sleep.

He ordered that the princess into a nice apartment in the palace, and a bed of gold and embroidery in the form of being. When the princess was placed on the floor, everyone was amazed by her beauty, saying he had the face of this beautiful angel. For its beauty was gone, her colors were still as sharp as the contrast medium: his cheeks were like carnations, and her lips like coral red.

His eyes were closed, and if you listened carefully you could hear her breathing gently, telling everyone that she was fast asleep, not dead. The king ordered everyone to let her sleep in peace until his time had come to wake up.

Sleeping Beauty online free

A good angel, who had given him the gift of sleep instead of death, the kingdom was Mataquin, which was 12000 miles from the place where the incident had dealt with the princess, was informed as soon as the second angel, who had orders from throne of God to go to the victims of the Kingdom. In the second, a good angel came to the castle.

When the merciful heart of a good angel stretched out his hand and took a deep sleep to everything he touched the honor girls, maids, gentlemen, officers, Masters of hotels, cooks, dishwashers, sea urchins, the guards, the Swiss, pages, footmen, a good angel was also touched on all the horse were in the garage, and grooms, nurses and a small courtyard gay dog ​​a princess who refused to leave his master side. As soon as a good angel had touched them, they fell asleep. Everyone woke up at the same time for their owner, so be ready to serve, if necessary.

The fireplace and the kitchen which was full of partridges and pheasants, fell asleep, and the fire too. Everything was done in an instant: the good angel, did not take long to work.

The King and Queen, having kissed their dear child without waking, came out of the castle, and made a decree that none should molest or disturb the peace of the realm of sleep.

However, these defenses were not necessary due to a wide range of woven brambles and thorns grew around the castle, so that no one saw nothing but the top of the castle tower, making it impossible for animals or humans to go.

At the end of a hundred years, the son of the king, who then reigned, and had another family as a sleeping princess, hunting near the thick wall of brambles. He noted that the laps I looked on the wall above, thorns and thistles, and asked the crowd what it meant. Each responded to their well-informed, which consisted almost entirely of hearsay and gossip. One told me to talk about it, the other replied that the ghosts lived in an old castle, told the stories of evil, who had transferred his domain. The most common opinion was that the old giant who lived there, and kidnapped the children and gave them to the dungeons, as a giant would have the ability to make the passage through the thick wall of spikes and thorns. This, they thought, was perfectly reasonable. The Prince was close to believing it myself, when the old peasant spoke.

"My prince, more than fifty years, I stayed with the story that my father sent me here in this castle a princess, the most beautiful in the world. There is a dream of one hundred years, and would be awakened by the son of a king, to whom he was booked. "

The speech sparked a fire in the heart of the young prince, who believed without hesitation, that the sleeping princess in the castle behind the wall of thorns and briers is reserved and to himself. With this determination, he decided to go at once.

He had just begun to think about how the thorns, and Brambles, Brambles, and when these peaks divided and separated from each other, as if to acknowledge the Royal Prince right through it. Passage opened before him, leading to the castle, which was at the end of a grand avenue spikes and thorns. The prince was surprised to see that the brambles bus closed behind him, so it is impossible to surprise the farmers to follow. He does not run away boy so scared, but it moves: the love of the young prince is always faithful.