Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sleeping Beauty online free

"Rest assured, King, Queen and be sure your daughter is not dead. Will the princess falls into a deep sleep. His sleep last hundred years in the late son of a king will discuss it. "

The king, in an attempt to avoid the curse of his daughter in the eighth Angel, made us both an edict declaring that all the spinning wheels of time, whether at work or at home, should be destroyed, otherwise the death.

Over the years, the kingdom gradually forgotten the curse of the eighth angel. After fifteen or sixteen, the king and queen left the palace and went to one of their houses, to be alone with them for several days. Now that happened that day, the young princess ran for a room in the castle to another, until he is forgotten in a small room with a good old woman was alone, spinning with a spindle.

Now it happened that this old woman was not the king's decree never to use the pin on the spinning wheels, and if it did, the old spirit completely forgotten years ago.

"What are you doing, my good woman?" Asked the princess.

"I turn, my beautiful child," said the old woman.

"Oh, is quite what it seems!" Said the princess. "What are you doing this work? Give me a chance, that I can see if I could do so well."

As the spindle was extremely sharp, his hands were soon afloat, and the princess to prostrate on the floor. The good old woman cried out for help, and the servants ran in every direction. One threw a bucket of water to the princess, trying to wake him, the second shot in his hand palm face, the other rubbed his temples, but in vain.

Then the king, who was once called, is remembered as a good gift for an angel, and, judging very well that it was necessary that what was said to have happened would have happened, because he was an angel from heaven, that it was said , made the daughter of one hundred years of sleep.

He ordered that the princess into a nice apartment in the palace, and a bed of gold and embroidery in the form of being. When the princess was placed on the floor, everyone was amazed by her beauty, saying he had the face of this beautiful angel. For its beauty was gone, her colors were still as sharp as the contrast medium: his cheeks were like carnations, and her lips like coral red.

His eyes were closed, and if you listened carefully you could hear her breathing gently, telling everyone that she was fast asleep, not dead. The king ordered everyone to let her sleep in peace until his time had come to wake up.

Sleeping Beauty online free

A good angel, who had given him the gift of sleep instead of death, the kingdom was Mataquin, which was 12000 miles from the place where the incident had dealt with the princess, was informed as soon as the second angel, who had orders from throne of God to go to the victims of the Kingdom. In the second, a good angel came to the castle.

When the merciful heart of a good angel stretched out his hand and took a deep sleep to everything he touched the honor girls, maids, gentlemen, officers, Masters of hotels, cooks, dishwashers, sea urchins, the guards, the Swiss, pages, footmen, a good angel was also touched on all the horse were in the garage, and grooms, nurses and a small courtyard gay dog ​​a princess who refused to leave his master side. As soon as a good angel had touched them, they fell asleep. Everyone woke up at the same time for their owner, so be ready to serve, if necessary.

The fireplace and the kitchen which was full of partridges and pheasants, fell asleep, and the fire too. Everything was done in an instant: the good angel, did not take long to work.

The King and Queen, having kissed their dear child without waking, came out of the castle, and made a decree that none should molest or disturb the peace of the realm of sleep.

However, these defenses were not necessary due to a wide range of woven brambles and thorns grew around the castle, so that no one saw nothing but the top of the castle tower, making it impossible for animals or humans to go.

At the end of a hundred years, the son of the king, who then reigned, and had another family as a sleeping princess, hunting near the thick wall of brambles. He noted that the laps I looked on the wall above, thorns and thistles, and asked the crowd what it meant. Each responded to their well-informed, which consisted almost entirely of hearsay and gossip. One told me to talk about it, the other replied that the ghosts lived in an old castle, told the stories of evil, who had transferred his domain. The most common opinion was that the old giant who lived there, and kidnapped the children and gave them to the dungeons, as a giant would have the ability to make the passage through the thick wall of spikes and thorns. This, they thought, was perfectly reasonable. The Prince was close to believing it myself, when the old peasant spoke.

"My prince, more than fifty years, I stayed with the story that my father sent me here in this castle a princess, the most beautiful in the world. There is a dream of one hundred years, and would be awakened by the son of a king, to whom he was booked. "

The speech sparked a fire in the heart of the young prince, who believed without hesitation, that the sleeping princess in the castle behind the wall of thorns and briers is reserved and to himself. With this determination, he decided to go at once.

He had just begun to think about how the thorns, and Brambles, Brambles, and when these peaks divided and separated from each other, as if to acknowledge the Royal Prince right through it. Passage opened before him, leading to the castle, which was at the end of a grand avenue spikes and thorns. The prince was surprised to see that the brambles bus closed behind him, so it is impossible to surprise the farmers to follow. He does not run away boy so scared, but it moves: the love of the young prince is always faithful.

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